Saturday, April 6, 2013

Future business

Hey all!
First of all, this is a quick reminder that our next meeting is TOMORROW to discuss Dead by Sunset- info is in the last post, but don't forget to be there!

Secondly, we are trying to revamp book club a bit in order to streamline to some extent. We've been discussing how to do this for some time, and here's the plan. Starting with May's book club pick, we will be pre-choosing the books for the rest of the year so everyone can get the books ahead of time, read when they can, and even pick up books when they happen to notice them cheaply priced, like at garage sales. This way, we will also ensure some variety in choices and keep the pressure off of the next host. PLEASE make a list of 2-3 books of any kind that you would like to discuss and bring it to next month's meeting so we can have some time to sort through and get the year figured out. If you can't make it to next month's meeting, please give your list to either me (Kirsten), Karyn Vorhees, Stacy Leatherman, or Mary Richardson sometime in the next month.

Lastly, we already have our choice for the April/May read- we will be reading (or rereading) The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald! It's been a while since we had a classic, and with the movie coming out, we thought it would be appropriate. The book club is tentatively set for May 5th (Sunday) at my house, but I'll confirm details in the next few days, when my husband is home from camping and I can make sure we don't have plans :).  We're also planning our first ever MOVIE NIGHT to partake in the glory that is Leonardo DiCaprio as Jay Gatsby, but again, details will follow. We hope you can join, and that you're as excited about the changes as we are!

If that was too text-heavy, here are the highlights:
1. Book club tomorrow (Sun, Apr 7)
2. Next pick is The Great Gatsby- meeting TBD
3. Please make a list of 2-3 book choices so we can plan the rest of the year and bring to May's meeting.
4. MOVIE NIGHT! (tbd)

Happy Reading!


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