Friday, March 4, 2011


Hey all!

As promised, though a few days late, is the March and April pick. Courtesy of Courtney, we will be reading....

9 Stories by J.D. Salinger!

I'm particularly excited because it's a new genre for us (short stories) and because Salinger is... well... unique.

So the only bad news is that, so far as I can tell, it isn't at the library- at all. I haven't figured out yet if the same short stories are in a different collection (which might be the case), so it might be available in a different grouping. I found used copies for as cheap as $3 at Amazon, so one way or the other, it shouldn't be a problem getting it.

Please remember- we're working towards getting back to the 6 week marker so we meet a loittle less sporadically. We'll let you know about dates and stuff as soon as it's set.

Happy Reading!


The Theisen Twosome said...

The Multnomah County Library has copies of it at 9 locations. Most of them are checked out, but a few were due soon.

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