Friday, December 3, 2010

Sunday Reminder

Hey all!

We're just sending out a quick reminder that book club is THIS SUNDAY, the 5th, at 7pm at Karyn Vorhees's house. (Her address is on the last post.)

If, like many others, you haven't finished the book, PLEASE COME ANYWAYS! You'll be in good company, I promise. We'll have treats and chat and just enjoy each other's company, so don't miss out.

See you then!

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Going Cuckoo?

Hey ladies!
Important announcement- book club date has CHANGED.

Karyn's been chirpin' with some of the other little birdies (you watch and see how many bird puns I can fit in this one post) and there's been some squawking about the date. Turns out, none of us have finished the book. If you forgot about it completely, it's Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson.


Here's the plan. We've switched the date from this upcoming Sunday to almost a month from now. Since most of us will have flown the coop for Thanksgiving or will be scaring up some grub at our own nests, we figured the next few weekends would be less than ideal (and I won't be here, so picking one of those dates would have ruffled my feathers) so the new book club date is:

Sunday, December 5th
Karyn Vorhees's house @
13026 SW Ascension Dr.
Tigard, 97223

Hopefully, this works better for everyone! Recruit some more ladies too- a month is plenty of time to read the book, so you can still grab another chicky or two to join the nest!

For you newcomers... don't judge everyone by my one post. We're not always this ridiculous. Love you all!

Happy reading!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Hey all!
I am SO sorry I keep forgetting to post this- here it is!

This month's book club is this Sunday, November 14th at Karyn Vorhees's house. Be there at 7pm to discuss Three Cups of Tea! This will likely be our last book club for the year (we'll see though, maybe we can squeeze another one in!) so make sure you're there even if you haven't read it- join in on the discussion!

Karyn's address:
13026 SW Ascension Dr.

It's on Bull Mountain. Her street it a private lane (right?) and parking's a little tough so you may have to park around the corner-ish. Be there or be square! If you talk to other cuckoos, remind them about club- this post is out later than I hoped. Sorry again!

Happy Reading!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The October/November book is...

Just announced at tonight's book club is Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson! This is the October/ November choice thanks to Karyn- we're shooting for an early November date to meet! It's an easy one to get at the library, but it's also cheap as a paperback at Costco or Amazon.

If you're newish to the blog, remember to sign up for the mailing list- on the right hand side of the page you can enter your email address and you'll be notified when new posts are up.

Happy Reading!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

These is my Words tomorrow

Hey y'all,
Just a reminder that we are meeting tomorrow at 7pm to discuss These is my Words. We're meeting at Stacy's house, and the address is:

12111 sw 125th Ave
Tigard 97223

Hope to see you then!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September- These Is My Words

So September's book was announced at the last book club- for those of you that weren't there, here it is!

These is my words: the diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901: Arizona territories: a novel
by Nancy E. Turner

Tentative date: Sunday, 9/26, Stacy's house, prob. around 7 pm

Hope to see everyone there! We'll make sure to update again as it gets closer.
Happy Reading!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

We Have a Date...

We'll be meeting at Barbara Bomar's house to discuss The Poisonwood Bible on Sunday, 8/29 at 7pm. Let's hope for a nice night so we can have the discussion outside! If you have a moment to leave a comment and let us know if you are able to come, that would be great!

See you in a couple of weeks!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Poisonwood Bible Meeting Update

Hi Ladies,

Because the majority of people are unable to make it to a meeting in July and because it's a long book, we decided to move the Poisonwood meeting to sometime in August. Barbara's going to decide on the exact date and time soon, and we'll update the blog as soon as we have it.

Enjoy catching up on your reading in July and see you in August!


Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Book Announced!

Barbara was chosen for the June/July book club and her selection is The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. It should be easy to get a copy at the library. We'll let you know a tentative date as soon as Barbara decides on one.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Help - Meeting this Saturday!

Hey Girls,

May's book club meeting will be held this coming Saturday. the 22nd at 7 pm at the Katie Myer's house.

12350 SW Harlequin Dr.
Beaverton, OR 97007

Hope to see you there!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Help - May's Book Club

The book choice for this next meeting is "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. I know they have had it at Costco recently if you need a copy. Lets meet Saturday the 22nd of May here at he Myers house. Hope you enjoy the book!

katie myers

Monday, April 26, 2010

Blog Tips, aka Cuckoo's Nest FAQs

I'm really trying to make this more of a useful blog and less of a headache blog. Good news... no more word verification! You weren't going crazy, there was definitely a problem with the word verification, so I was able to remove it as a setting (Sorry Cathy and Sharon!).

To comment/reply: Click on "Read Users' Comments," write your comment, then under "comment as" you can select your google profile name if you have already signed in on the website OR if you are not signed in, you can choose Name/URL, enter your name and leave the URL blank.

To create a new post: You have to first log in on with your google account information. Then you will be at the dashboard, from there click "New Post." You cannot create a new post from the cuckoo's nest blog; you must go through Make sure you sign your name at the end of your post because it doesn't look like it does it for you.

Good luck!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Several Things...

Alright, I'm posting!
First of all, I just looked for The Help by Kathryn Stockett within the library system... and I was placed 390th in line! Eeeeek! Anyone wanna go halvsies on a copy?

Also, as a few of you know, I've been reading through the Powell's staffers top 5s of 2009- each staffer chose a list of their 5 favorite books in 2009, and I'm reading all 155 of them.

If you are interested in watching me kill myself, the blog address is . Thanks for those of you that are reading- I'm doing this partially so I can get online writing jobs, and a blog is like a resume- so the more followers and commenters I have, the more likely I am to get jobs! Thanks!

Sorry if that was a horrible bit of self promoting- I never wanna be that guy.

I love all you ladies and I can't wait to gather next!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Changes to Cuckoo's Nest Blog

After book club tonight, I came home and was determined to solve the email mysteries we have been having with the blog. So, I added an area on the right margin of the blog where YOU can input your email address and get new posts emailed directly to you. You will have to go through a couple of quick steps with FeedBurner, but it will prompt you through them.


I have changed the settings so that this is the only way you will be on our mailing list.

If you have questions about this or any other problems you've had, post a reply and I or one of the other girls will give you feedback.

Thanks! :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Sister's Keeper - Saturday at 7pm

So, we'll be meeting this Saturday, the 24th at 7pm at Cathy Barber's house to discuss My Sister's Keeper. Her address is below. She'll provide drinks and chips and dip. You are welcome to bring any other snacks to share! :)


2232 SW Troy Street

Portland, OR 97219

Cathy's cell phone number: (206) 409-8926

It would be great if you could write a quick reply note saying whether you'll be coming or not. See you Saturday!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Book Club Meeting this Saturday

Hey Ladies, I just wanted to let you know that Cathy has decided to move book club to Saturday after all. I will update this with the details of time and her address asap. Just wanted to let you all know as soon as I could. Hope to see you all there!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April's Book Club date/time

I'd like to propose Friday, April 23 at 7:00pm to gather and chat. It sounds like many of you have been able to make good progress but I wanted to make sure everyone has a chance to finish. Let me know how that date works for you-all.


Monday, March 29, 2010

My Sister's Keeper - $9.99 at Costco

Hi Ladies,

I was out today at Costco in Tigard and saw the book for $9.99.  Thought I'd pass this along in case any of you are interested in buying it. 


Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Sister's Keeper

Hi girls,

Thanks for the honor of letting me select the next installment on our reading list! I'm looking forward to discussing My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. We talked about allowing at least 4 weeks between meetings, so I'm proposing a day around April 20 to gather at my place. Please let me know what your availability is that week and I'll accommodate as many of us as possible. Spring is a busy season for us Northwesterners so we'll have to choose carefully...

Until then, enjoy the book. I hope you like it as much as I did.

Cathy Barber

Friday, March 19, 2010

Book Club Tonight, 3/19/10

I just wanted to post my address so you could look up directions to my house for this Friday night's book club. Our address is: 16358 SW Myrica Ct. Sherwood, OR 97140. Please park across the street at Archer Glenn Elementary school and walk over, since Myrica Ct. is actually a fire lane. Thanks. If you need further directions please call me at 503-327-1650. See you at 7!


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March's Book Club - The French Gardener

Hello ladies. Just wanted to let you know the next book we will be reading is titled, "The French Gardener" by Santa Montefiore. You can reserve it from the library, pick it up at Borders or order it online on Amazon.

Let's meet at my house in Sherwood on March 19th (Friday night) at 7:00 for discussion and French pastries. I will post directions closer to the date.

Until then...Enjoy the book!

-Tammy Hietanen

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Meeting this Sunday!!

I'm so excited to see everyone on Sunday. Tasha has graciously agreed to open up her home to us to meet at this week. So, the plan is to meet at Tasha's at 4:30 to carpool down to the Pearl for happy hour, then we'll head back to her place probably around 7 to discuss the book. Please let me know if you can make it so we don't leave anyone behind.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stacy Recommends

The other day Mary asked me for a couple recommendations for books that I have read that I won't be picking for book club. Since I read insatiably, here are a few that I have enjoyed!

The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister
--a fun read about the members of a cooking class. This one made me happy.

Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay
--a WWII historical fiction. This one made me sad sometimes, but sometimes that's okay.

These is my Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901
--this is fiction inspired by the author's family memoirs, recommended to me by my high school English teacher, who I loved and still keep in touch with! I do own this one so if you want to borrow it, let me know!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tigard Reads: The Grapes of Wrath

Just wanted to let you know what's going on with readers in our own community of Tigard...

Tigard library has selected John Steinbeck's classic novel The Grapes of Wrath for their third community reading program, Tigard Reads. I personally have never read this classic, and think this would be a wonderful way to enjoy book discussion with some new faces in Tigard. Unfortunately, they've already had one discussion meeting, but there is still another later in the month, see the information below.

:) Mary

The Grapes of Wrath Evening Discussion Group
Wednesday, February 24 * 7-8:30 p.m. * Houghton Room at the Tigard Library

The Morning Book Group invites readers to discuss John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath. First published in 1939, this Pulitzer Prize-winning epic of the Great Depression chronicles the Dust Bowl migration of the 1930s and tells the story of one Oklahoma farm family who is forced off their land by the "land companies." They decide to travel west to the promised land of California. A portrait of conflict between the powerful and the powerless, the novel captures the horrors of the Depression and probes the very nature of equality in America.

Tigard Reads offers the opportunity to immerse ourselves in a poignant, colorful, creative period of American history while exploring how people helped each other through tough times with popular pastimes such as dancing, games and movies. Please join us in person and online to discuss this American classic and sample the distinct flavor of the 1930s through music, films, foods, oral histories and much

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

February's Book

Hello everyone!

This month we are going to combine a ladies' night out and birthday celebration with our meeting on February 28th. We'll go out for a happy hour and then come back and talk about the book. So, hopefully everyone can make it!

The book I chose is Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury. It is her latest book that just came out in December.

More details to come, but I wanted to at least get the info out there. Have a great week!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The New Highly Anticipated Cuckoo's Nest Blog

We just finished our January meeting about an hour ago and after tucking my husband into bed I decided I needed to give this blogging thing a "go." And, just like you all said, it was really easy! I've arranged the settings so that I (Mary) am the administrator, but all of our book club ladies are permitted authors and contributers. I'll be the only one able to add authors; we can have up to 100.

I'm speaking for our entire cuckoo's nest clan when I say that this blog will now be the primary place of information for our book picks and meeting info, but so much more as well. Hopefully it will be a forum for all of us to share what we are currently reading through or have finished. You can share books you're dying to recommend or vent your criticisms. It's just another way for us to connect over books. I'm sure we'll have fun with it, and that's the whole reason the cuckoo's nest came to be, after all - a few women who love to read, and love to talk about what we're reading.